A project for Street Children of Tonj, South Sudan.
Tonj is one of the towns in Warrap state, it’s on the highway for travelers from Juba to Wau and those from Wau to Juba via Rumbek. As you walk around in the town you would find many children with bottles in their hands sipping whatever is inside which is a mixture of petrol, some stones and some other unknown substances, for the purpose of becoming numb and high. Most probably to help them get through the day. These children sleep on the door steps of the shops at night and in the morning they move in different directions, looking for means of survival. Many of them become victims of sexual abuse. There are approximately 42 of them, aged between 6 years and 23 years old. At the mean time all we can afford is to provide one warm meal a day for those boys.
Our goal:
Provide a shelter for them
Assign workers to supervise them, counsel them, etc.
Provide rehabilitation programs
Send them back to school, apprenticeship or help the older ones to get jobs to support themselves.
We are in desperate need for:
Endorsement by a churchal body, to increase the chances of finding donors, since it’s not possible for a private and small initiative like ourselves to find donors for such a project
God bless you all, when you help one in need God gives you more.
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I would like to donate
Donations account Health Initiative South Sudan e.V. Deutsche Skatbank IBAN: DE04 8306 5408 0004 1956 12 BIC (Swift code): GENO DEF1 SLR
Project for Street Children
A project for Street Children of Tonj, South Sudan.
Tonj is one of the towns in Warrap state, it’s on the highway for travelers from Juba to Wau and those from Wau to Juba via Rumbek.
As you walk around in the town you would find many children with bottles in their hands sipping whatever is inside which is a mixture of petrol, some stones and some other unknown substances, for the purpose of becoming numb and high. Most probably to help them get through the day. These children sleep on the door steps of the shops at night and in the morning they move in different directions, looking for means of survival. Many of them become victims of sexual abuse. There are approximately 42 of them, aged between 6 years and 23 years old.
At the mean time all we can afford is to provide one warm meal a day for those boys.
Our goal:
We are in desperate need for:
God bless you all, when you help one in need God gives you more.
I would like to help
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I would like to donate
Donations account
Health Initiative South Sudan e.V.
Deutsche Skatbank
IBAN: DE04 8306 5408 0004 1956 12
BIC (Swift code): GENO DEF1 SLR
Our main donors are our partner NGOs
We are also grateful for the generous donations from the LUOL DENG FOUNDATION.
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